Bringing Worship Online: How Green Room Power Connected a Church During Covid

When in-person services halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a non-denominational church in Newport, South Wales sought help transitioning their ministry online. With no prior experience streaming and limited technical knowledge, they turned to Green Room Power.

Our team advised them on the equipment and services required to capture and broadcast high quality video of their services. We provided professional 4K cameras, operators, LED lighting fixtures, streaming machines and software which were all tailored to their requirements. Despite having never worked together before, we quickly enabled them to share their message virtually when parishioners needed it most.

As it became clear the online ministry would continue post-pandemic, we worked closely with the church on investing in their own equipment. Our team trained them on its operation so they could independently manage future streams.

Though born out of challenge, this experience allowed us to build an invaluable relationship. The church continues to grow its online congregation, now spreading their message globally. We’re proud to have provided the technical guidance, equipment, and training to empower their virtual ministry. Pastor Robbie Howells said, “When you choose Green Room Power, you don’t just get equipment rentals. You get reliable service, training, and advice tailored to your needs. The enthusiasm and expertise they have brought to every event has been first class and we highly recommend them.”

We can provide the technical guidance, equipment, and training to empower all types of events and other circumstances. Contact Green Room Power today.

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